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How many treatments will I need?The benefits of acupuncture are cumulative, so more than one treatment is necessary. For acute conditions, you can expect to have 8-12 treatments. Chronic conditions may take longer. Preventative treatments and treatments for general well-being may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
How soon should I feel pain relief?There are three major patterns of response to acupuncture treatments: a. 75%-80% of people feel decrease/elimination of pain in minutes. b. Some people don't feel change until 24-48 hours after a treatment (delayed response). c. 5-10% of people get worse before they get better (healing crisis).
How long will the benefits of an acupuncture treatment last?They may last from a couple of hours to a few days/weeks.
How often should I schedule acupuncture treatments?First few weeks-2x/week; follow up with weekly/monthly/as-needed treatments.
What styles of acupuncture do you practice?- I have trained in different styles of acupuncture, but I most commonly use the following styles: - Dr. Richard Niemtzow's Rapid (aka Battlefield) Acupuncture - Dr. Richard Tan's Global Balance Acupuncture - Master Tung's Acupuncture
Are insurance plans accepted?We are currently not accepting insurance plans. We will be happy to provide a super bill to get reimbursement from your insurance company.
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